what are you waiting for? | book review

So I’m going through the list of reviews I have waiting for me to write and I realized I had one more in the little series I was doing on books about singleness and purity a few months ago! Here we go with another fantastic read by Dannah Gresh!!

whatareyouwaitingforWhat Are You Waiting For? The One Thing No One Ever Tells You About Sex by Dannah Gresh

Rating: 4.0 – 40

In my review of And the Bride Wore White I mentioned that it is geared more for the high school aged girl.  Well, What Are You Waiting For? is where it picks up for the ladies in the college years and beyond.  Once again, Gresh, with her honesty and openness, superbly addresses sex and what the big deal is about waiting for it.

Sex is a sensitive, intimate topic but, nevertheless, needs to be discussed.  Gresh doesn’t mince words – she’s straightforward and to the point about the struggles, challenges and addictions that so many in the church find themselves grappling with.  Intimacy is more than physical – it’s emotional and spiritual and God designed it to be an incredibly awesome experience. Unfortunately, the world has made a mess of this amazing gift and has left us confused, deluded and frustrated.  What does the Bible have to say about all this?  Gresh tackles all the tough questions, addressing them biblically and, in many cases, with scientific research to back it up.

So what are you waiting for? If you’re a single gal with questions about what the big deal is and want to know that one thing no one has ever told you about sex, read this book!!!  I guarantee you won’t regret it!

Happy reading, y’all!


and the bride wore white | book review

Hello Readers!

Picking up where I left off at the end of last month and continuing on this series of reviews about singleness and purity.  I finished this one during my finals week and it was worth every extra minute away from my textbooks! (Not recommended behavior by any stretch, I’m just bein’ honest!).

9250526And the Bride Wore White by Dannah Gresh

Rating: 4.0 – 4.0

My Thoughts: This book is a gem!  It’s no wonder why it has sold so many copies over the years.  Gresh is completely honest and real and I super appreciated that about her writing! As the subtitle says, she goes through seven secrets of sexual purity and encourages women to embrace them for all the wonderful benefits they offer.

Gresh goes through the big sex-lies that Satan has fed our culture and how those lies effect our lives when we embrace them.  She talks about the beauty of purity’s dreams and importance of nurturing a strong relationship with Jesus.  She speaks practically about dating and candidly about the purpose of sex.  She gives in-depth advice about forgiveness and freedom from past mistakes and shares the sweet joys of waiting emotionally and physically.  She’s honest about the struggles and challenges as well as the victories and rewards.

This book is, I suppose, geared largely to high school-aged girls.  As a twenty-something, I still recommend it to my demographic. I also highly recommend it to moms of girls as well.  Whatever age bracket you you fall into, it’s a beautiful place to start or pick up the conversation on purity.  It’s a message that needs to permeate through the church.

I highly, highly, highly recommend you pick up a copy as soon as you can! In fact, I’ll do you one better: why don’t you CLICK HERE to purchase it on Amazon right now! You’ll love it, I guarantee it!

Happy reading :)


when God writes your love story | book review

Good Morning Everyone!

So I continue in my reviews of books on relationships, singleness and purity.  This is turning into a bit of a series!  It has been more than a few months since I’ve finished this one so I have to go back aways in my brain but this is a super fantastic read and I can’t wait to share my thoughts with you!

When-God-Writes-Your-Love-Story1When God Writes Your Love Story by Eric and Leslie Ludy

Rating: 4.0 – 4.0

My Thoughts: For anyone who’s read my review of When God Writes Your Life Story and Teaching True Love to a Sex-at-13 Generation you know that Eric and Leslie Ludy are two of my favorite authors.  I’ve read almost every one of their books (several of which I’ve yet to review :P) and I think they’re pretty awesome writers and Christians!

When God Writes Your Love Story is a beautiful, practical look at romance God’s way. True to their style, Eric and Leslie serve up honesty, humor, and biblical counsel on all things romance and purity.  I love their personal stories, struggles and victories. They challenge readers to consider what/who controls their life, to evaluate their current relationships, and seek after a “sweeter song” than the one this sex-saturated world is singing. They challenge readers to pursue honor and God-driven passion.

When you think about, the message is simple: follow where God leads, but the application can seem ambiguous.  Where exactly is God leading?  Eric and Leslie offer practical ways on how to follow His unique plans for your life.  They show that romance is a beautiful thing when we let the Author of romance script His special story for us.  He knows our hearts, our desires, and our needs and His plans for your life are so much bigger and better than anything we could ever dream up for ourselves.  But first, we’ve got to give Him the pen!

As you can imagine, I highly recommend this book, it’s fantastic.  It’s filled with Bible verses and discussion questions to prompt further study and conversation. Read it, share it, read it again. You won’t be sorry, I can promise you that!

Happy reading!


praying for your future husband | book review

Hello Everyone!

As I said in my last post, I have several books on relationships, singleness and purity to review so I’m just going to pick it up with the next title I want to share with you.

10401427Praying for Your Future Husband by Robin Jones Gunn and Tricia Goyer 

Rating: 3.5 – 4.0

My Thoughts:  When we were in junior high and high school, my best friend and I read Robin Jones Gunn’s Christy Miller Series.  Not only were we captivated by the story, we were introduced to the intriguing notion of writing letters to your future husband.  A decade later, and I’m happy to say I’ve got a growing collection of letters of my own.  So when I saw this book, it didn’t surprise me at all that Gunn co-wrote a book on this subject.  I knew I had to read it and I’m so glad I did!

He’s not someone you really think about.  Your future husband, I’m mean. Yeah, you might dream of him, think about all the qualities you want him to have, all the characteristics that would make you tick if he possessed them.  You dream about how great life is going to be when you’re finally part of a couple.  And you know that looks shouldn’t matter but you pray that God would please give you someone you’re attracted to! These are all natural, of course, but when we’re single, we still don’t think about our future husbands as living breathing human beings who walk around working, playing, learning, struggling, laughing, and crying just like we are!  But he most certainly is.  Think about it, if marriage is in God’s plan for you, then your future mate is out there somewhere in the world.  Some minds have just been blown.  Or maybe you’re thinking, well, duh!  Okay, so what are you going to do about this piece of information?  Gunn and Goyer encourage us to pray for him.  Right now.  Even if you’ve still yet to meet him.

Proverbs 31 contains the beautiful Virtuous Woman passage and one of the things you find out about this wonderful lady is that she does her husband good and not evil all the days of her life (verse 12).  All the days of her life would include the days before she meets him, yeah?  Now that verse alone contains so much I could unpack but that’s a post for another time – staying on topic!  If being a virtuous woman means doing your husband good all the days of your life then why not pray for him?  I’ve come to the conclusion that it is, indeed, a beautiful thing!

The authors walk readers through different areas of life in which to pray for both your future husband and yourself.  They share personal accounts of their struggles and victories in their own love stories and offer advice and counsel on how to handle different life situations.  There are even discussion questions and places to journal throughout the chapters.

I personally found it a bit of a light read which is why I didn’t give it a 4.0 rating.  I felt like they could have gone a tad deeper in places.  But that doesn’t deter me from highly recommending this book to any single gal who wants to enhance her present single life in faith while holding on to sweet dreams of the future!

Happy reading!


passion and purity | book review

Hello Dear Readers!

I am one paper away from the completion of this term at college and the start of a month-long break from all things scholastic. I can’t begin to tell you how much I’m looking forward to this vacation!  My fried brain will get some relief and I’ll have some much deserved time for other things in my life, like blogging!  How about some regularity on this site, yeah? It’s coming, I promise :).

I just finished my final paper for my Interpersonal Communication class earlier today, in which I discussed relationships and communications from the perspective of a single woman.  As a single twenty-something, this is a subject that is always sort of apart of my thought processes in one form or another.  And as a single, twenty-something bookworm, I’ve often got my nose buried in some read about relationships, purity, and singleness.  Over the past several months, I have read a a number of really, really great books in this genre and it’s about time I took time to write my reviews!


Passion & Purity by Elizabeth Elliot

Rating: 4.0 – 4.0

My thoughts:  First word to describe this book – DEEP. The subtitle says it all: Learning to Bring Your Love Life Under Christ’s Control.  Romance is one of the most personal areas of our lives and it’s so easy to forget that just like every area of life, it should be brought under the control of our heavenly Father.  Agh! What a scary concept!  But, if Christians are truly who we want to be, and Christian means to be a Christ follower, how can we do any less?

In Passion & Purity, Elliot tells her sweet love story with Jim Elliot through journal entries, correspondence, and memories.  She shares the challenges, victories, mistakes and sacrifices they made as a young couple.  It was AMAZING to see how much love flowed between them and yet how committed they were to making Christ their priority in their lives both together and individually even it that meant they weren’t meant to ever be married.  I know, scary, yeah? I was on the edge of my seat, so to speak, on more than one occasion.

I loved how candid and real Elliot was.  She didn’t mince words and used scripture to back what she said.  Again and again she showed how the Word carried her through dark days and times of heartache.  As a woman who is not a stranger to the cravings of romance, I found this extremely touching and encouraging.

Elliot proves that passion and purity can exist side by side, one doesn’t have to be sacrificed for the other, and God can reign over it all.  She also proves that we do indeed serve a God of impeccable timing and He works all things together for the good of those who love and follow Him (Romans 8:28).  We can trust Him with every area of our life, including, maybe especially, romance.

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK A THOUSAND TIMES OVER.  But I will warn you – it’s not for the faint of heart! You will be challenged and you will counseled.  But trust me, it’s soooooooo worth it!

Happy Reading!
