Operation Deepen Faith

I’ve been trying to make a habit of taking my goals in strides–one at a time, here and there–rather than all at once, thus overwhelming myself.  My final and the most important reading challenge is Operation Deepen Faith.


This is something I did not keep up with last year but I’ve already started this year.  Here’s how it works:

There are multiple sections and as the host says, participants don’t have to sign up for each one but picking multiple sections is encouraged!

  1. Wonderful Words of Life: Goal–Read the Bible
  2. How Firm a Foundation: Goal–Study 1 book of the Bible throughout the year
  3. Deep & Wide: Goal–Read multiple books in multiple translations
  4. Meditate or Memorize: Goal–Choose about a verse a week to reflect and meditate on
  5. Christian Nonfiction: Goal–Read different Christian nonfiction

Click HERE for full details.

I’m going to commit to

  • Wonderful Words of Life: Goal–Read the Bible
  • How Firm a Foundation: Goal–Study 1 book of the Bible throughout the year
  • Meditate or Memorize: Goal–Choose about a verse a week to reflect and meditate on 
  • Christian Nonfiction: Goal–Read different Christian nonfiction

I’ve already begun reading the One Year Bible and picking my verses and other titles.  My goal is to post monthly on my progress and maybe break down goals into quarterly tasks.

Now, I’m officially set with all my reading goals for 2015!

Happy reading, y’all!

Operation Deepen Faith 2014

I know I said in my previous post that I’m keeping my reading goals modest this year.  Yeeeah, well, I’ve kind of disregarded that already.  I’ve already pledged to read 100 titles this year instead of the 50 I tried for last year.  Notice I said ‘tried for‘ because I didn’t quite make it.  Almost, but not quite.  Is that going to stop me from the temptation of pledging to read 100 titles?  Pshh, ‘course not!  You can check out book reading pledges on GoodReads and 50 Book Pledge

But I’m starting off-topic.  Let’s get to the purpose of this post.  There is one more reading challenge I want to participate in and it deserves it’s own post.



Hosted at Operation Actually Read Bible

I tried to read the whole Bible last year and didn’t finish (I’m noticing a trend in book reading failure :P).  I found this great challenge and decided to give it a go.  Here’s how it works:

I. Wonderful Words of Life. Goal: Read the Bible using a Bible Plan

  • I’m going to be reading the Bible chronologically this time around.  I’ve chosen the Chronological Life Application Study Bible KJV. It’s on it’s way from Amazon now and will arrive on Saturday :). Sooooo excited to begin!!!

II. How Firm A Foundation. Goal: STUDY one book of the Bible throughout the year.

  • I’m not quite sure which book I’m going to choose yet… I’ll keep you posted!

III. Deep and Wide; Goal: read multiple books of the bible in multiple translations.

  • My pastor is doing a study on different Bible versions so this is perfect!  I’ll pick a few to go through specifically this year!

VI. Christian Nonfiction. 

  • My minimum goal will be to read at least 10 Christian nonfiction titles.  And they can be in any genre: spiritual growth, women’s interest, biography, etc.

I am super stoked about this challenge!! Check out the complete details for Operation Deepen Faith and peruse the whole website by clicking HERE.

Stay blessed and Happy Reading!!

when God writes your life story | book review

223366When God Writes Your Life Story by Eric & Leslie Ludy

Ratings: 4.0 – 4.0

My Thoughts:

Oh my goodness I looooooooooooooved this book!  I mean, I’ve loved every book I’ve read by the Ludy’s but this was absolutely FABULOUS!!  And in the light of starting my new job and facing my last year of undergrad study, it was perfect timing.

Just as they always do, Eric and Leslie encourage counter-cultural, God glorifying, holiness-pursuing Christianity that defies all things ordinary and mediocre – and I love that!!  In this book they talk about Christians in the past who gave up all for Christ and in return, Jesus scripted extraordinarily adventurous lives for them.  While this often meant suffering and trials and struggles, it also meant peace and assurance that God’s hand was working in their lives and that their ministry was impacting others for the kingdom of heaven.

This is the stuff of Christianity.  And we so easily forget that it can be that way in our lives as well.  The adventure, the miracles, and the victories aren’t to be left in the past but continued into the present because God doesn’t change, the world’s need for Him hasn’t changed, and His commission for His followers has not changed.  God’s dreams for us are big and wonderful and, a lot of times, seemingly impractical or impossible. He calls us to live passionate, sold-out, abundant lives for His glory and for the benefit of those around us no matter the cost.

So what happened to our little-kid passion for achieving the impossible? When did we stop shooting for impossible goals and start aiming for realistic targets instead? As little kids, we dream of a bigger-than-life existence. But eventually we grow up. We lose our “oomph” to keep aiming high. We settle for everyday mediocrity. We stop trying to be heroic and finally accept being average.

As we grow up, the worlds tells us that aiming our lives at the impossible only leads to disappointment. Somewhere along the way, we are persuaded to loosen our grip on our dreams and pitch our tents in the land where everyday humans dwell.

If you’re feeling like your Christian walk is missing something, READ THIS BOOK!!

If you’re feeling comfortable in your Christian walk, READ THIS BOOK!!

If you profess to be a Christian at all, READ THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!!

It was amazing and awesome and inspirational and honest and real and deep and I loved it so much!

Happy reading, y’all :)

the pursuit of holiness | book review

The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges The_Pursuit_Of_Holiness_Ca_large

Ratings: 4.0 – 4.0

My Thoughts:

I got this audiobook as free download from Christian Audio awhile ago.  After having listened to it, I want to get a hard copy to go over what I missed and make marks and notes.

This was a fantastic look at holiness and how Christians should make the pursuit of holiness, not an activity to fit into daily life, but a lifestyle.

We need to brace ourselves up and to realize that we are responsible for thoughts, attitudes, and actions. We need to reckon on the fact that we died to sin’s reign, that it no longer has any dominion over us, that God has united us with the risen Christ in all His power and has given us the Holy Spirit to work in us. Only as we accept our responsibility and appropriate God’s provisions will we make any progress in our pursuit of holiness.

There’s this idea in modern Christendom that we’re human, we sin, that’s the way it is, and there’s nothing we can do about it.  That’s is hopeless theology right there.  Jesus died on the cross so that, through Him, we would have victory over sin.

What I like about this book is that, while Bridges was straight forward and real about holiness and sin, it didn’t feel preachy or holier-than-thou, or over bearing.  While the subject matter was serious, he was matter-of-fact and honest throughout the whole book.  His approach was also very practical, which I totally appreciate!  When reading a book or listening to a sermon, I look for the practical application.

“The Christian living in disobedience also lives devoid of joy and hope. But when he begins to understand that Christ has delivered him from the reign of sin, when he begins to see that he is united to Him who has all power and authority and that it is possible to walk in obedience, he begins to have hope, and as he hopes in Christ, he begins to have joy. In the strength of this joy, he begins to overcome the sins that have so easily entangle him. He then finds that the joy of a holy walk is infinitely more satisfying than the fleeting pleasures of sin. But to experience this joy, we must make some choices. We must choose to forsake sin, not only because it is defeating to us but because it grieves the heart of God.”

Bottom line, this book was deeeeeeeep!  And I totally recommend!  If you have the chance, I also recommend the audiobook, the narrator was easy to listen to and wasn’t super long.  And like I said in my Lies Women Believe review, approach it with an open mind and prayerful heart.  God has amazing desires for our lives and we should be pursuing Him and the things He loves with everything we are.

Happy reading :)

Project 119

Several weeks ago, I had the pleasure of hearing a gentleman at my church recite the entire 119th Psalm by heart.  I was extremely impressed to say the least.  Psalm 119 is the longest Psalm with a whopping 176 verses. I thought, ‘Man, one of these days I’m going to do that!’  Yay for scripture goals, yeah?  I’m making my way through the Word of God this year, so Psalm 119 is another great goal to shoot for…someday.


Well this month, I’ve been reading through the book of Psalms.  Tomorrow, I’ll be reading through the 119th.  176 verses.  You know, someday is always out there taunting me.  The elusive dreams that I put off, but for what?  Because I’m too busy?  When will I not be busy?  And since when is being too busy to memorize scripture not a lame excuse?  Pffft!  Forget someday!  I’m going to start this summer!

2013 is the year I’m going to start memorizing the 119th Psalm.

I’m calling this my Project 119.


If you’d like the details, you can head over HERE to my original post.

It’s a huge undertaking, but it’s about time I started memorizing scripture again.  Why not start here?

Let me know if you’re interested in giving this a go with me!

Ya’ll stay blessed :)

2013 bible read along

Happy, happy new year everyone!!

I haven’t posted in forever and I still only have time to make a little announcement.  Hopefully, I’ll have time in the next day or so to do a real post!! For now, I have an invitation =).

I started a group on Facebook called ‘2013 Bible Read Along’.  As the title suggests, I’m going to read the whole Bible this year and I’m inviting people to join me!!


So, if you’re like me and you’ve wanted to read the Bible all the way through but never got around to it, here’s your chance to be apart of a group who also wish to get through God’s Word in 2013!

Click here to join!

Y’all have a blessed day =)